Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The power of Apple

In this posting, I want to write about the power of Apple's innovative prowess. Moving left on the adoption curve, Apple has not only secured me as customer, the company has secured 90% of my mental wallet. Here's what I mean...

In the old days, every cell phone or laptop I would buy would ultimately be replaced with a newer gadget that had either more power or a new feature. This was especially true for cellphones. Every 6-9 months, I would look for the next great thing. Nokia, Motorola, Blackberry, Samsung were just some of the companies that I have used. Once the iPhone came out and I purchased it, my urges to look for something better or different have ceased...yes STOPPED!

So it goes with my recent adoption of Mac and the purchase of the Mac Book Air, a.k.a. on forums as MBA. I was...key word "WAS" a HP loyalist. Several of my previous laptops have all been HP. I have recommended HP to friends and family. However, since the MBA, I have not had the urge or desire to look at any HP emails.

What do I attribute to this phenomenon? I give a lot of credit to Apple for their innovativeness and ability to think of things that the customer doesn't have to. In the back of my mind, I am giving this about 6 months to 1 year to let it sink in. That part of me is to test out the newness factor and see how I feel in that time. However, I must say, I have not felt this jazzed about a laptop in a long time.

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