Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Inching up the learning curve

One of the things I didn't like about Safari was the lack of a "home" button. I thought, how lame for Apple not to have a home button when all the other browsers have one. Resorting to comfortable ways, I loaded Firefox onto the Air. It wasn't until today when my fellow Mac enthusiast, Andy, asked me what I didn't like about the Air. My feedback was on Safari, which was really an OS issue, not an Air issue. Well, I didn't quite remember what my gripe was about and later it got me to thinking about trying Safari again. Well, the issue surfaced when I tried to look for that "home" icon again. By chance, I two finger tapped near the toolbar which brought up the option to customize my toolbar. Upon selection, up came a board of icons to choose from, one of which was the "home" icon!

So reflecting back, part of me feels lame that I didn't inherently know to customize my toolbar, but part of me felt that Apple should have expected this and made the "home" icon a default. What I did like however, was the ability to just drag the icon onto the toolbar...nice and easy, once I figured it out.

That seems to be a theme, "nice and easy, once I figure it out."

1 comment:

Oren said...

I don't like how they leave the home button off their either. And since Leopard's release, they put the "Open in Dashboard" button there instead of a Home button. Even before Leopard, however, they didn't include the home button. In really early version they included the Bug button by default.

Regarding the "easy to use but not easy to learn" issue, I think you'll start to "get" the intuitiveness of it the same way that you were able to figure things out in Windows pretty easily. Arguably you shouldn't need to "figure it out" or "get" the intuitiveness and should be obvious with minimal effort for task completion but I guess it can't all things to everyone. I think that as you continue up the learning curve, you'll realize how crazy and nonsensical MS does things.